Applying Finishes to Fasteners for Friction / Torque Control


There are a wide variety of coatings applied to fasteners for different reasons, but a unique class of compounds in the coating world are what are known as torque modifiers. Torque modifiers are typically added post-plating, thereby modifying the torque-tension properties of the fastener during installation. The clamping load, or tension, is the force that pulls together the parts of the joint. When the clamping load is greater than forces pulling the joint apart, then the joint will not loosen.

Because it is critical for the assembly, friction is a quality parameter for fasteners. Friction can be controlled, in part, by the finish used on a fastener. This is true in narrow ranges, whether high, medium or low friction is desired. Torque modifying finishes can be tailored to user specifications, and different formulations may be used for different applications, such as when different torque is needed depending on the substrate being fastened against.

Do you have questions about applying finishes to fasteners for friction and torque control? If so, check out our finishes overview page or contact us to ask a question.

Kyle Domer