The Evolution of Skateboard Hardware
Skateboarding is a dynamic sport, with new tricks being performed seemingly daily, skateboarders taking harder tricks to larger obstacles, and preferences for board shapes, truck tightness, wheel sizes, and clothing choices going in and out of popularity on a regular basis. Skateboard hardware has also evolved over time, coming a long way since the days when a skateboard was just a set of roller skate chassis nailed to a two by four.
Vintage skateboard hardware
The fasteners used in skateboards have evolved over the past 50 years in several ways. Here are some of the notable changes:
Length: The length of the screws used to attach the trucks to the deck has gotten shorter over time. In the early days of skateboarding, screws as long as 2 inches were commonly used, but now mounting hardware that is 7/8” or 1” long is much more common. The removal of riser pads from the boards of most street skaters was the biggest reason for this change.
Head type: The head of the screws used to attach the trucks to the deck has also changed. While Phillips head screws are still commonly used, hex head screws (also known as allen head hardware) have become increasingly popular as they provide more torque and are less likely to strip. Shorty’s was the first to use a smaller, #8 head and half-body threading, but now several brands offer that style.
Material: The materials used for skateboard fasteners have also evolved. In the early days of skateboarding, screws and nuts were often made of soft metals that were prone to stripping. Now, fasteners are commonly made of harder materials such as alloy steel or sometimes even titanium.
Colored hardware: Another trend in recent decades has been the use of colored hardware, where the screws and nuts are painted in different colors to add a pop of color to the skateboard. Shorty’s was also a pioneer in this aspect, followed by Upful, Shake Junt, and a host of newer companies.
So, while the hardware skateboarders use has evolved over time, many of the suppliers are still the same. Mudge Fasteners began a dedicated skateboard hardware division in the 80s, and still offers the highest quality bulk, private label, and custom colored skateboard hardware on the market.
If you’re interested in getting skate hardware for your shop, distribution or brand, contact Mudge Fasteners at (800) 634-0406.